Artist 22r Pro Graphic Display

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Artist 22r pro graphic display
Xp pen artist22 pro pen display. But there is clearly more to it than just this. Full hd ips display concise design $ 459.99. Drawing tablet digital tablet animation drawing board with 60 degrees of tilt function art 88% ntsc color accuracy. Unleash your new creative possibilities. Work easier and faster with 20 customizable expresskeys and 2 red dial wheels. More affordable larger version display tablet for animation and illustration. Full hd ips display concise design $ 699.99. Digital pen have 8,192 levels of pressure sensitivity with a 60 degree tilt range. The 21.5 inch fhd display pairs a superb color accuracy of 88% ntsc (adobe rgb≧90%, srgb≧120%), adding brilliance to your creation with more exquisite details and vibrant colors. 21.5inch full hd ips display, 8192 levels of pressure sensitivity ,make lines flow smoother and perform better, work faster and efficiently. Support 4k display 16 shortcut keys $ 499.99. 8192 levels of pressure sensitivity. The tablet is huge with 22 display which similar to the wacom cintiq 22hd. The potential applications for artist 15.
The driver for all types of driver provides a monitor. 21.5 inch drawing pen display features 1080p resolution with 78%~82% color gamut. It's a wacom cintiq alternative at a much more affordable price.
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That's all about Artist 22r Pro Graphic Display, It's a wacom cintiq alternative at a much more affordable price. 21.5 inch drawing pen display features 1080p resolution with 78%~82% color gamut. The driver for all types of driver provides a monitor. The potential applications for artist 15. The tablet is huge with 22 display which similar to the wacom cintiq 22hd. 8192 levels of pressure sensitivity.